@article{oai:kyujyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000343, author = {橋口, 文香 and 御厨, 慶子 and 高木, 富士男 and HASHIGUCH, Fumika and MIKURIYA, Keiko and TAKAKI, Fujio}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州女子大学紀要, Bulletin of Kyushu women's university}, month = {Mar}, note = {About 95% of Yo-go teacher issue Health Bulletins as part of their health guidance activities. Although some earlier studies surveyed the status of Health Bulletins among nursing teachers, only a few surveys have been conducted that focus on students since a survey was conducted in 1987 by Namba, et al. In this study, a survey is conducted on the attitudes of students towards Health Bulletins and to consider preparation of Health Bulletins that would incorporate their status.  As a result of the study, it was found that girls are more conscious of their health than boys, a trend similar to that shown by Namba, et al., 30 years ago. Moreover, 80% of the students consider Health Bulletins as useful, and it is indicated that preparation of Health Bulletins useful for the students’ health is expected to continue. With the diversification of schools and students, it is required to prepare and issue Health Bulletins that match actual situations accordingly.}, pages = {127--143}, title = {中学生の保健だよりに関する意識調査からの一考察}, volume = {55}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヒグチ, フミカ and ミクリヤ, ケイコ and タカギ, フジオ} }